Friday, April 25, 2014

He's not dead, he's just resting...

I've neglected this poor blog for a very long time so I thought I'd revive it. Hello, Polly!


It's getting to be fiber festival time, and tomorrow I head down to Powhatan, VA, for a newish festival; The Powhatan Festival of Fiber.  It's not big, not yet, and very manageable for those folks who don't like crowds. Plus the best doughnuts in the world will be sold there by that evil Carpe Donut!

I'm on a fiscal freeze for now, so I'll be windowshopping, but that won't stop me from lusting after all the goodies.

I encourage anyone in reasonable driving distance to check out this little gem of a festival. It is only  years old, but the organization rivals that of much older and larger events.