Monday, December 10, 2007

I visit the Fair Isle...but just for 2 hours

Yesterday, I took a freebie workshop on making a Fair Isle gift bag at one of my LYS. I've wanted to learn the skill since I began knitting, and the stars conspired to make it possible -- and for free! (never mind that I spent $130 after the class...) I don't have anything to show yet, but I was impressed at how basic it was; more about keeping track of what you're doing than anything else. Our instructor, Paige Waffle (gotta love it...) was very good and patient with us, considering that of the 8 or so women there, maybe 3 of us were actually doing exactly what we were supposed to do. Some of us didn't know about the "homework" and hadn't knitted our bases, so we had to swatch, a few others were fiddling with new yarn and didn't have much time to practice at all, and a few were off on a different project altogether. Bless anyone who teaches anything to anybody...

Meanwhile, I'm almost done with my first Blue Moon socks. What great yarn! the stitch definition is amazing, and it feels more like cotton than wool. I'll post the pics when I'm done.

Last week I whipped up a hat out of three orphan yarns I had. I thought it was nice enough, but I keep getting compliments on it! Ya never know what people like.